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फलित/सिद्धान्त-ज्योतिष (Phalita/siddhānta-jyotiṣa)

‘फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः।
को वक्ता तारतम्यस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना॥’
‘ईश्वरः सर्वभूतानां हृद्धेशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति।
भ्रामयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारूढानि मायया॥’

God at the heart of beings all resolves them on this cosmic ball.


Rajasthan is well known far and wide for the scholarship and learning of Jyotish from the ancient time itself. In the same way the department of Jyotish is one of the richest centres of traditional learning from its old glories & it was established in 1998. With its emphasis on all round development of the students, the department's aim is not only to bring out the best traditional scholars of Jyotish but also to produce teachers to different universities, kendriya vidyalayas, govt. schools & other educational institutions. Department has qualified and experienced faculties with research background. It has a well developed infrastructure facilities to impart traditional knowledge of jyotish with quality in education. Along with the basic knowledge of various traditional and modern subjects in depth knowledge of the related subjects is also imparted to the students.

Name of the Faculty Designation Teaching Experiance Biodata
1. Prof. Ishwar Bhat Professor & H.O.D 25 years Click Here
2. Prof. Shubshmita Mishra Professor 21 Years Click Here
3. Dr. Vishnu Kumar Nirmal Associate Professor 18 Years Click Here
4. Dr.Subhashchandra Mishra Assistant Professor (Contract) 11 Years Click Here
5. Dr. Rameshwar Dayal Sharma Assistant Professor (Contract) 11 Years Click Here
6. Dr.Anand Prakash Pathak Guest Faculty (Asst. Prof. Grade) 1+Years Click Here